Monday, March 14, 2011



Ang besaqq dh noh!

Sayang ang weh..

Rinduuuu ang..

Wlupun stat fom5 kita bwu rapat,tp masyukk la kwn dgn ang,besh besh..

Aku hrp befday ang taun ni bermakna buat ang la nohh..

Dan semoga result ang cemerlang mcm ang nk..

Yay,Zary dh 18 dh.. tuaa!


ni sj boh pix dia..

tgk la ye..

(ada aku kesah pix ni lama? bia lama asal bergaya..)

zaryfah comeyyy...
dia yg wt piece,
yg buat tgn mcm nk mkn kamera uh jass,
(aku suka botoi ayaq ats meja uh..tiba2.. haha)

tu befday gurl tuee..
on your left one..
the right one?
tu lmbt lagi,kecik lagi noh ang jass..

ni zaryfah lak kt kanan..jass lak kiri..
cun aih dua2..
mcm2 sgguh..

dia la paling molek antara
kami suma..
wt piece lg uh..

zaryfah zaryfah zaryfah..
semoga persahabatan kita kekal ye!
ang msuk uni jauh2,jgn la lupa kt aku..
sayanggg ang!
xmau sedeh2 la ye!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Keputusan SPM 2010 23 Mac ini

Ya ya..
Seperti dlm tajuk ni,
Keputusan SPM akan dikeluarkan pada 23 Mac 2011 ini..
Hari rabu..
Sapa yg rasa amek SPM taun lepas,
P la amek nohh..
Termasuk AKU! (*_*)
Aku takoootttt..
Xcaya tgk la pix ni!
(maaf,aku malas gila crop)
Dan ada la pix2 berkaitan dgn SPM ni,syok ja tgk budak2 taun lepas dapat result elok ja kan..
Xpala,kita redha ja dgn apa yg akan dtg psl result SPM..
Blajar,blajar dh..
P tucen,p tucen dh..
Jwb,jwb dh..
Tggu jela..
Aku doakan semua yang mengambil SPM 2010 akan dpt result yang cemerlang,aminnn..
Jom,tgk pix2 ni,cuci mataaa..

tudia aih,
gempak gila result ang!
aku amek pix ni sbb muka mcm Yap Zheng..
(sikit2 la,haha)

ni pelajar terbaik negara weh..
isk isk isk..
mst mak pak dia bangga gila..
aku hrp mama n abah bgga dgn result aku nnt,

pas amek result,
troih men bowling..
dpt elok la tuuuuuee....

tu la..
amek byk sgt,slip result pon pnjg semacammmm jaaa..

umh umh umh..
pandai2 nohhh..
A+ A+ A+!
dh laa..
satgi teriak lak tgk ni,huh!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Garnier Aqua Defense Oshemmmm!

Ya ya!
Aku xguna produk ivy dh,
Mahai nk mampuiih,test kit dia ja aku try..
Pencuci muka ivy totally abeh..
So,xkn xcuci muka yg mcm hantu ni..

Jd aku jln2 dlm Guardian,cari pencuci muka..
Mula2 nk amek dh Nano white,tp…
Xbekenan tiba2,tnmpk pencuci muka Garnier Aqua Defense..
Mcm besh jaa,dh la ada green apple dlm uh,hahaha..
Ni sbb abah la ni,
Tiap2 ari mkn green apple,
Dgn aku tpgruh skli..
Pastu,tanpa buang masa,aku beli laa..
Tmsuk arini,dh smmgu tau aku pky..

ALHAMDULILLAH,muka aku berubah..
Jd fresh sgt3..
Licin laaa muka aku!
So,aku tpkiaq la nk bli pelembap dia..

Smlm pg la Carrefour (btoy ka aku eja?)
Aku sambarr lerr pelembap die..
Harga asal RM17.90 tp aritu ada promosi,tinggaii RM10.90 ja weh! Haha..

aku try search kt internet pasai Garnier Aqua Defense ni haa..
Semua positif psl Garnier Qua Defense ni kcuali losen dia,
Ada owg uh kumen dia xska sgt losen Aqua Defense,mcm sticky sgt kt kulit dia..

Antara review2 mengenai Garnier Aqua Defense dari pengguna2nya..
Kita stat dgn pencuci muka ye!

Aqua Defense Cleansing Foam : Let me start with the cleanser, this is a tad that goes a long way kinda cleanser, all it takes is a tiny weeny bit to sud up, a decent cleaser that does the job but this is good for Normal to Dry skinned. If you were thinking of washing your face after the cleansing oil this won't cut it. this is a rather MILD cleanser, no good for combi or oily skinned. Since I have gotten it, and don't want to see it goes into waste, I use this cleanser in the morning and it works just fine. Did not cause me to break out nor peeling.

Aqua Defense Toner
(aku xbeli lagiiii) : Smell deliciously refreshing, a good decent toner, a toner is a toner so I am not gonna get much into it. No irritation nor causing any disconfort to my face. : So, this toner (man, I am good at jumping tones!) is performing like what it promised. It hydrates my skin without the sticky icky feeling, absorbs fast and has this delightful scent! My skin does look fresher and it is well hydrated. Apart from that, that is all this toner gives.

Aqua Defense Moisturizer
(baru bli smlm weh!) : They smell all the same. This is lightweight as well. I use this one in the morning after the cleanser + toner. According to the SA, apply this after applying the essence. But I skipped using the essence in the morning. It has good oil control and my face manage to stay matte for a good 5 hours but then again like I said, long as they didn't cause any irritation or break outs, that's all that matters.

Ni aku search kn,
Benda ni mmg ramai gila owg suka apply wehh..
Pengguna2 semua puji yg ni haaa..

Garnier Aqua Defense Essence..
Aku tgk dlm intenet,die mcm almost gel-like (almost laaa)
Ni review die.. (byk ouhhh!) : A very lightweight essence that sink into skin in a jiffy. I absolutely love love this one, it helps to hydrate skin, not oily at all. I usually apply this immediately after going over my face with the toner it helps for better absorbtion. and leave on with a subtle glowy dewy skinned. Very cooling as it 5 stars. Be warned the essence have alcohol denat but it did not cause any reaction or discomfort albeit on my sensitive skinned. nada !

p/s : aku mst la search apa tu alcohol denat,kot2 la haram kn! Jd ni hasilnya!

halal because alcohol denat is denatured to make it inedible as it is used in cosmetics and perfumes : I totally love the fact that it works! It does leave my skin more supple and I daresay my skin was looking all the more fresher since I started using it. On days when my skin felt a little down, I use this as a sleeping mask. I will apply it thicker (no fear cause it does sink into the skin rather quickly) and then off I am to bed. Next day I will wake up with my skin supple and bouncy.
so it is not drinkable alcohol therefore it is halal.
Read more: : Enriched with anti-oxidants, Fruit Waters and Vitamin E, Garnier Aqua Defense builds an invisible barrier on your skin which instantly replenishes moisture and repels external aggressions and free radicals. Grape water contains sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and zinc to help protect skin from damage caused by free radicals; apple water is renowned for its anti-oxidant action and natural Vitamin E effectively smoothes the skin and protects skin from cellular damage. Garnier Aqua Defense Essence deeply penetrates to instantly replenish moisture, leaving skin hydrated, smooth and protected all day. Well, I’m on my first day using this moisturizer so nothing much I can say except how much I love the texture and smell! I will update you on the outcome once I see the difference on my face. Lol

ni pix2 produk Garnier Aqua Defense..

ya ya..
cleansing foam + toner + mosturizer + essence..
cleansing foam diaa...

tonerrrr... kna beliiii!

ni moisturizer yg aku bru bli..
bes bes!

ni la yg meletop2 uh.. Aqua Defense Essence.. nnt aku nk try laa!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy Befday Mygemokk!

haha,hrm xsweet aku!
p/s : aku boh pix ni sbb dia ni suka perasan sowg2!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Jikalau Aku Doremon

mekasyeh kpd ZARYFAH SAYANGS yg tag tag aku..
sounds interesting huh!
(eh,lapaqq ah tgk doremon ni mkn dorayaki!)

Doremon ada POKET AJAIB DIA tu kan?
sapa tak suka weh?
apa ampa nak,bwk kluaqqq ja!

kalau aku doremon yg montel uh,
Aku akan makann tiap masa!
akan ada alat ajaib,
contoh oven ka,
aku bwk kuaqq restoran troih dari poket aku ka,
order ja apa aku nakkk...

seafood dari THE MANHATTAN,
Dh bjauhan,mst rindu mskn mama aku!
byk lagi ahhh!
(oh mu'az,ang akan kalahhh,aku gemokk dari ang,haha)

about my study of course..
aku akan bwk kuar alat yg bg aku bule jwb matematik dgn tererrr skli!
dari tadika aku mmg xminat..
dan aku amat lemah dlm bidang kira-kira ni haaa..
aku akan keluarkan seorang robot
(doremon robot kan? Jd dia kwn dgn robot la! Haha)
Yang terer dlm bidang kira2 ni haaa..
Dia akan menjadi tutor aku dlm bidang matematik..
Hiargghh,syok aihh..

Oh ye oh ye!
Aku ni xreti sgt3 control volume sora aku,
Igt aku suka ka sora kuat ni?
Jd aku akan guna alat yg cggih bg tukarkn volume aku dri tggi ke rendahhh..
Sbb aku xmauu la kcu ketenangan org sekeliling aku,

(aku doremon la kan skg? Haha)
Aku kana da pintu kaler pink uh..
Yg bule p mana2 uh..
Aku ni taik jalannn..
I will use that pinky door to go wherever I want!

Aku nk pg umah kwn2 aku,
Pg umah Mu’az,
Pg umah jass,
Amni (ceyttt,dkt ja dgn dgn umah aku,mmg aku pemalasss)
Zaryfah! (haha..)
Yana,( lagi dekattt! Hahaha)
Mirah.. (malau uh,jauhhh)

Uke la,
Tu je aku mauuu setakat ni kalau aku Doremon!

Sape kna tag?
Sapa nk,amek jela!

Monday, February 21, 2011


1. Seronok tak anda jadi perempuan?

2. beri sebab kenapa anda suka/x suka?
kerana dapat membuat sesuatu yang mungkin lelaki tidak boleh buat..

3.pelakon lelaki plg hot di malaysia?
Gambit, Zizan Raja Lawak dan Fizo Omar

4.pelakon wanita yg korang asa plg cun habes?
Lisa Surihani

5.beri 3 lagu terkini yg best2?
Black and Yellow by Wiz Khalifah,Rockeetet by Ryan Tedder feat Far East Movement,The Time (Dirty Bit) by Black Eyed Peas

6.antara Yuna dan Ana Rafali,anda pilih?
tak pilih takpe ke? Hum,Yuna laa..

7. warna kegemaran anda dan kenapa anda suka ?
Semua kecuali KELABU

8.anda pilih canon atau nikon?

9.kereta idaman anda?
Renault Sport

10.kalau di beri peluang,nk jd pelakon/penyanyi/model?

11.anda puas hati dgn kulit wajah anda sekarang?
Puas,wlpn kulitku agak gelap berbanding dgn mama n abah..

12.anda target nak kawen pd umo berapa?

13.Senaraikan 3 sikap manusia yg paling x disukai?
Manusia yg suka berbohong,tak serupa bikin dan yg cuba memecahbelahkan aku dgn org2 yg aku sayang..

14.apakah benda yg korang nk sgt sekarang tp x dpt lg?
Komputer riba dan telefon bimbit

15.korang pandai masak makanan ape?
Sup,kari ayam,sup ikan yg sup die kaler kuning uh,ape nth,smbl tumis & ayam msk kicap

16. sebelom tido berangan dulu x?
tak,men game dulu

17.penah menipu?

18.tag lagi 6 org kenalan anda:
sapa nak,amek la..

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chat 5 Sapphire

who's involve?
Syaza Fisila (absolutely me)
Jasyla Rifhana
Zaryfah Arifin
Amny Ahmad (sat timbul sat tak)
Syazwan Syuwari
Syahmi Rosham
There's some pictures here..
Showing how crazy are we!
p/s : sorry,lazy in cropping2!
small? sorry,just click on it!